Jeonghoon Lim
B.S. Hanyang University, 2015
M.S. KAIST, 2017
Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022
E: jeonghoonlim(at)lbl.gov
LinkedIn and Google Scholar
Jeonghoon’s current research focuses on understanding and development of robust, energy efficient, and cost-effective electrocatalysts for CO2 capture. In his free time, Jeonghoon loves playing tennis, soccer, and travel.

Bernardine (Didi) Rinkel
B.A. University of Cambridge, 2016
M.Sci. University of Cambridge 2017
Ph.D. University of Cambridge 2022
E: rinkel(a)berkeley.edu
Didi’s current research focuses on electrolyte degradation at positive cathodes.

Deyang Yu
B.S. Qingdao University of Science and Technology, 2010
M.E. Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014
Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2021 Postdoctoral Scholar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2021-2022
E: DeyangYu(at)lbl.gov
Google Scholar
Deyang has a background in organic chemistry, polymer, and NMR. He is interested in developing and understanding polymer-based solid electrolytes for batteries. In his free time, he enjoys photography

Kiwoong Lee
B.S. Seoul National University, 2013
M.S. Seoul National University, 2015
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 2023
E: kiwoonglee(at)lbl.gov
Kiwoong’s doctoral study focused on mechano-electrochemical understanding of Li/solid-electrolyte interfacial dynamics. Currently at LBNL, Kiwoong’s research aims to understand and develop the Zinc-air battery system.